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New Yoga Videos

Due to a number of requests from my yoga students I have finally added a Yoga Videos page to my website. Thanks go to my wonderful son Sean for his patience with a technical ignoramus mum and his experience with "green screens" and video editing. He has succeeded in producing a lovely result, having had to work with limited technical facilities. We have spoken about the possibility of creating some voice-overs for the videos but that is a whole new ball-game and is something that may happen in the future if I get my act together! In the mean-time, I hope all visitors to my site enjoy watching the videos as a sneak peak into how we work yoga asanas in my yoga classes. As always, if you have any medical conditions, injuries, are pregnant or are new to yoga, seek the advice of your health professional and expert yoga teacher's assessment of how to practise yoga safely and adapt the asana to your own individual needs. Why not try one of my yoga classes - go to the timetable page on this website to see what classes are currently on and book your place!



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