Jenny Davis Yoga Relaxation Meditation

16/10-20/11/24 OCTOBER 2024:
(The program is usually run as a 6 week course,
so drop-in or casual attendance is not available.
For enquiries email: jennynameste@yahoo.com.au
or Ring 0450 535 728)
THEMES OF THE COURSE: Exploring the use of Sound and Mantra to bring balance and healing to the Chakra system, with particular emphasis on practical meditations for stress relief and sleep health.
RESOURCES FOR THE COURSE: Kundalini Meditations; Deepak Chopra’s Journey to the Boundless Sound and Mantra sessions; Sound Healing CD (S. Halpern); Tibetan Chakra Meditations (Ben: Scott Christa…); Voyage Through the Chakras (Lucinda Clare)
WEEK 1: Wed 16/10/24
(i) Introduction to this term’s main areas of study, catch up and sharing.
(ii) The Base/Root Chakra general info and sound healing.
(iii) Crystal Bowl and Grounding Meditation, using sound and breath.
(iv)Use of Bija Mantra, Lam to bring health and vigour to the Base Chakra’s physical, mental and spiritual aspects.
(v)Voyage Through the Chakras, for the Root Chakra.
WEEK 2: Wed 23/10/24
(i) Brief review of First Term’s Base and 7 Year Theme, Main theme for 2024 and progress with Intentions made in first term.
(ii)Deepak Chopra’s Journey to the Boundless session on Sound and Mantra healing.
(iii)The Sacral Chakra general info and sound healing.
(iv)Use of Bija Mantra, Vam to bring health and vigour to the Sacral Chakra.
(v) Voyage Through the Chakras, for the Sacral Chakra
WEEK 3: Wed 30/10/24
(i) The Solar Plexus Chakra general info and sound healing.
(ii)Use of Bja Mantra, Ram and Crystal Goblet to bring health and vigour to the Solar Plexus Chakra.
(iii)The Heart Chakra general info and sound healing.
(iv)Use of Bija Mantra, Yam for healing the physical and Emotional elements of the Solar Plexus.
(v)Voyage Through the Chakras, for the Solar Plexus Chakra.
WEEK 4: Wed 6/11/24
(i)Voyage Through the Chakras, for the Heart Chakra.
(ii)Tibetan Chakra Meditation for the Heart Chakra.
(iii)The Throat Chakra general info and sound healing.
(iv)Special Sounds for healing the Throat Chakra, including the Ujjayi Breath and the Bija Mantra, Ham.
(v) Voyage Through the Chakras, for the Throat Chakra.
WEEK 5: Wed 13/11/24
(i)The Third Eye Chakra general info, sound healing and sleep.
(ii)Using Sound vibrations (crystal bowls) to connect the Root Chakra and the Third Eye, and manifesting intention for sleep.
(iii)Using the mantra Om to manifest our Intention for sleep, connecting the root and third eye chakras.
(iv)Tibetan Chakra Meditation for the Third Eye Chakra.
(v) Voyage Through the Chakras, for the Third Eye Chakra.
WEEK 6: Wed 20/11/24
(i)The Crown Chakra general info, and sound healing.
(ii)Tibetan Chakra Meditation for the Crown Chakra
(iii)Balancing the Chakras using Qi Gong and the Bija mantras.
(iv)Voyage Through the Chakras, for the Crown Chakra.

For More on Meditation, visit our Youtube channel,
JD Healing Vibes:
or visit the Yoga & Meditation Videos page in this website
"Letting Go" (from CD Sakash)
Music for Meditation, Eternity Ink pub.