Jenny Davis Yoga Relaxation Meditation

TERM 4, 12/10/24-5/12/24

term bookings are now being taken
email: jennynameste@yahoo.com.au
or ring 0450 535 728 for more information)
Morning Sessions Evening sessions
Saturday 9:30-11:00am
(8 weeks, 12/10-30/11/24)
Restorative Yoga ($80/term)
Monday 7:15-8:45pm
(8 weeks, 14/10-2/12/24)
General Yoga ($80/term)
Wednesday 7:00-9:00pm
(6 weeks, 16/10-20/11/24)
Meditation ($60/term)
Thursday 5:30-7:00pm &
(8 weeks, 17/10-5/12/24)
General Yoga ($80/term)

Yoga term (8 x 1½ hr classes)
Discounted prepaid term rate $80; or $15 per class, casual rate.
Students Discounted prepaid rate $60, 8 weeks
Meditation Course (6 x 2 hr sessions)
$60, applies to all students.
*1x free Meditation class per term if doing prepaid Yoga & Meditation course in the one term.
** For General Yoga, make up classes apply if position available, during the same term.
*** For those wishing to do more than 1 Yoga class per week (term basis), discounts apply - please ask.

Restorative Yoga: gentle Hatha style yoga with emphasis on relaxation, stress release, healing and meditative practices for mind, body & spirit. A suitable style for pregnancy, those wishing to address stress & anxiety conditions, for those with lower fitness or health issues such as arthritis, back issues and knee problems etc.
General Yoga: more challenging physical practices than the restorative style. Suitable for most people, but providing opportunity for those who wish to give themselves a physical challenge. Relaxation & meditative practices are also included. Those with serious medical conditions or injuries & those who are pregnant will be assessed as to their suitability for the class prior to commencing.
Retirees' Yoga: a gentle Hatha Yoga class for those wishing to maintain their health, vigor and mobility as they age. The class will be tailored to suit individuals' neeeds and capacities & will include yoga style exercises, yoga breathing techniques, gentle Qi Gong & other meditation & relaxation practices.
Meditation Course: traditional yogic meditation techniques combined with some background theory & study in a program that addresses mind, body, & spiritual integration. The class is very interactive & participants are encouraged to share their own experiences & views. Suitable for open-minded people of all persuasions wishing to address their spiritual growth & promote a calm, balanced & happy life. Very helpful for people experiencing health & stress-related challenges or who are just interested in bringing some spirituality into their life. Meditation, Relaxation, Breathing practices & some very gentle Qi Gong physical movements are incorporated.
*Whilst Integral Hatha Yoga is suitable for most people of any age, those with medical conditions, injuries or who are pregnant should seek their medical health professional's approval prior to attending yoga classes.
"Letting Go" (from CD Sakash)
Music for Meditation, Eternity Ink Pub.